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  1. My heart belongs to German desserts

    Sunday 29 November 2009

    There are too many nice things in the shops at the moment. It's quite irritating in a lot of ways. Threshers was going out of business, so I bought a rather nice bottle of port. I'm still in rather a 'trial and error' phase with alcohol and what it does to me. It all seems to be ok so far.

    The deli where I go and get my lunch most days has a huge basket of nice things, all out for Christmas. Liebkuchen (yes Sam, I like them too!), stollen and Pfeffernusse. I've yet to see any Spritzgebäck, but man, I want some of them so badly.

    Damn Christmas food. Why are you all so sweet?

    But at least I get to assemble my Advent tree tomorrow. And get my Saint Nicholas gifts ready for Saturday.


  2. 2 comments:

    1. Sam said...

      OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GERMAN DESERTS!!!! :D So good yet so damned sweet!

      Is it Saint Nicks day on sat? Bad me, must do something!

    2. Becky said...

      Oooops. My bad, it's actually Sunday. Hey, at least I've got it a day early rather than late!

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