It's cold again. Hate to be a broken record guys, but I absolutely cannot get warm. It's due to get colder as well, I'm told. Fabulous.
Anyway, more positively, I can see from having a poke around my stats that there are few new people reading this, due to my request on holiday_wishes on livejournal. Hi if you're one of them!
I was going to talk about pumps today, but I just haven't got the mental energy to tackle that today! Hopefully I can ge ton to that by the end of the week, though. It definitely won't be tomorrow - tomorrow we have beginner's waltz and improver's rumba. Yey!
Since I don't have anything amazingly interesting to say today, I suggest taking a walk over to Sam's blog, Talking Blood Glucose as she's been talking about some really interesting stuff lately, and it's well worth the read. Plus, she's fab too! :D
See you tomorrow x
gaaaaawwww, fab? nawwww :) you made me blush missis! But thank you very much for the plug!
As for the cold?! I knoooooooooooow. Its so horrible! :( Even gloves arent cutting it right now :(