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  1. Uploading on YouTube is REALLY slow! This was filmed, and would have otherwise been up last night if it hadn't been for the rate of upload.

    Catch a glimpse of a rare thing - Andrew "Hannibal" Dyer has a go at presenting!

  2. 2 comments:

    1. Anonymous said...

      "A pretty rubbish thing.."

      LOVE IT.

      "I'd tip my hat to you, but I actually left it in the other room.."


      I'm going to come visit York. Because you all rock. I, too, love it when a plan comes together... We'll see. We'll see. Maybe Harry Potter will help me out on this one.

      Good luck on Saturday!!!!

    2. Northerner said...

      Great stuff again Becky - and Andrew! Nice to see the donations climbing, can't believe it's only a couple of days away! Hope the weather doesn't let you down too much, and that you all have a great day!

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