'Would you be interested in a telephone interview instead?'
Why yes. Yes I would! What a great solution! The lovely communications representative and I sent a few more emails back and forth and played some time-zone maths, and set it up.
Which is how I found myself speaking to Terrance Gregg - the current CEO of Dexcom.
First off, I'll say that it wasn't something I ever thought I would have the opportunity to do, especially away from the ADA conference which was originally the time slot where he would be available. I was very aware of the sort of schedule he must keep and I was very impressed that he was willing to take the time out to talk to me when I was halfway around the world.
I was struck by how much of a gentleman he was - mostly because he was very patient with me. Honestly, I was nervous and I ramble when I'm nervous. I usually make a point of telling people this, and making them know they're free to cut me off - I'm liable to keep on talking indefinitely otherwise!
We talked a lot about the future of Dexcom and CGMs in general in the UK - as I'm sure anyone who is reading this is aware, the differences in healthcare systems in the US and the UK are quite vast, and it is extremely difficult to get NHS approval for a CGM, with self funding being the only avenue for the majority.
'Reimbursement landscapes are daunting.' I wrote down as we talked. That's not particularly surprising. We covered some familiar ground for me as we discussed the need for devices, particularly in the UK have to demonstrate a high level of cost effectiveness in order to gain wide-spread approval.
Within the NHS that makes perfect sense. When you're funding the many, you've got to make hard choices and something like CGM technology has to prove that it can be effective and cost efficient to make it accessible to more patients. It makes sense, like I say. But when you're waiting for that time when the tech will be more easily available, you can potentially get a bit impatient. I like to temper hope and optimism with facts and realism. What was extremely encouraging was talk of recently received reimbursement in Sweden and Slovenia and that a dossier is currently being prepared for the UK. I wrote down a particular quote - 'the landscape is changing.' - which I think balances things in a way that I favour. Yes the landscape is daunting, but it is also changing. In order to make progress, there's a lot of work that has to be done.
I was also encouraged by the attitude to patient engagement that came across from our discussion. I felt a real sense of belief in the importance of talking to your users and listening to what they have to say. I personally don't think a company stands a long term chance unless they do - if a company isn't listening to my interests, then why should I want to use or continue to use their product or service? But I felt not only the sense of importance but a sense of pride in user engagement. If they're proud of that, then I think they can be proud of themselves. At least in my opinion, for what that's worth.
We left the conversation with my saying that, for the UK at least, my door, or phone/inbox was always open - I think they have a great products, from what I know of them from reviews, blogs, and all the ways I've come across them. I think they have the right attitude - a plan and long term strategy.
However, in the style of a late night JML infomercial for fountain pens that will stab through tin cans....
But wait, there's more!
I had a clinic appointment not long after this conversation. Admittedly, I'd been dreading it, but it turned out a million times better than I had anticipated. A HbA1c of 6.9! Almost certainly influenced by hypos, but I'll still take it. No complaints about my weight! Hoorah! But somehow we strayed on to talking about my speaking to Terrence Gregg, and this is where the discussion went -
Would I like to do a Dexcom trial, since I already used an Animas Vibe?
After wondering if I was having my leg pulled, I managed to respond with a 'Yes. Yes I would.'. Would I like to? Getting the ability to switch on the Vibe's CGM function was, as I have put it several times to different people, a bit like having someone offer me the Holy Grail. Something I thought would never happen - magical and unattainable. If I can't afford a few train tickets to London to take up some of the interview offers I've had, then self-funding sensors was never going to happen. So we put a date in the diary. Turns out that Animas had some funding to run some trials. Everyone knew full well I wouldn't be able to carry on afterwards, but they would let me do it all the same.
That date in the diary was today.
I was tremendously excited about the whole thing, up to a point where I apparently surprised the Animas training staff. And she's met me before. Several times. You think she'd have known better. So I'll be blogging about how I'm getting on with this trial. Right now I'm having a bit of a weird day with it, but I'm told that is completely to be expected with a new sensor. General wisdom seems to be that it takes a good 24 hours to learn what you're like. I know that's personifying it slightly, but it seems right.
Love seeing that graph! Congrats on the A1c result. Good luck with the trial. I'm totally jealous of your interview (in a good way).